
As the air cools

As crazy as it sounds I'm starting to look forward to school starting
I'm craving the cool air and warm cardigans
I excited to be able to keep track of everyone and their whereabouts and goings-on
(I'm a mother hen, I worry, it's my nature)
As per usual I am hopeful that this year will be better,
the classes won't be as meaningless
the people won't be as mindless and disrespectful (not you select few who I love and could not live without)
However this year has to mean something, this is the year that can make or break you. I hope I'm ready, I don't feel like I am though. Thankfully I have people to get me through it, the ones who will camp out in the library with me and kick my butt until I study or let me completely forget about everything and gave happy hour on the roof.
This year will be different, I'll make sure of it.
Things have already changed, I feel like I have a new life
or at least I fit better into my life as it was.
I love it.
I love you, all of you and I wouldn't change or exchange you for anything.

Now off to go to the movies with one of my loves, we have some catching up to do.

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