
An Abundance of Katherines

Yesterday and today were/are going to be filled with them.
After a lovely lunch outside at Pane Fresco yesterday with Katie, filled with gossip, stories and memories of France we wandered around some what aimlessly, got a little too much sun, browsed wedding dresses (we aren't crazy, I promise, just silly girls) and met up with Kate. From there we bused it to our houses (with a pit stop for me for some water I didn't need...)
Somehow we all managed to meet at the end of my street with zero planning or use of cell phones, a miracle or just a coincidence, and proceeded to walk to my house to get ready to "interact" with some spanish and italian visitors ("MOLLY! MOLLY! MOLLY!")
Sadly the later didn't show. Ah well, I had fun with my silly girls. Late night, running to McDonalds, swearing in french, last night goes into the vault of summer memories.

So far the vault has some gems (the beach on our first day of freedom comes to mind), there hasn't been one empty day so far this summer and that's the way I like it, got to keep busy or its just a waste.

Now it's off to Warped with Kate (+ two), bring on the crowds, sun and good music.

we recreated this, it was nice but Parisian sun somehow feels better than Canadian sun. 

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