
Let's go

I'm feeling trapped. Same routine, every day. This was supposed to be about being free and flowly and carefree. Its summer, sleep in and stay up late, lay about and do nothing.
But not an empty nothing, if that makes sense. Fill the space between us. Words or silence, but some words would be nice. Just a little exchange, memories, thoughts, ideas, plans. Relaxing, outside (I need fresh air, not the stale hot air in the car, the window only delivers so much.)
But we're always moving, you're always moving, go! go! go!
I need to stop, want to stop. 
I need my time alone, but I don't want it. I like the energy of other people, and the feeling of sitting next to one person in particular. I'll suck it up and endure hot stuffy car rides, the loud screeching of metal on metal, the spiders, the early mornings.... and I'll try and be a good sport and keep my inner bitch in check. 
My time alone is too lonely. The air inside is too warm, too heavy, too much.
Outside is cool and refreshing (I missed the rainfall, I wish I hadn't.)  
So let's go, let's go lay outside on a blanket on the grass and just watch the stars (and not ask "watch them do what?" because that's the point) or sit high up above everything else and watch the sun rise, fighting sleep with caffeine and sugar, let's go do nothing and make it memorable.

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