
When I have more time

and I'm in the right mood and have the house to myself this site will be my inspiration.
I can't cook when people (read my mother) are home.
The kitchen is too small and she is too fluttery and takes up too much of my personal space.
Constant chatter about nothing, listing off instructions, nagging, complaining, questioning.
Why can't she just be quiet and let me be?
Why does she feel the need to be in constant communication?
Why does she think I want to be?
We were talking today about when I move out.
She wants to call everyday. Wants to talk for hours, wasting my time with trivial things.
I. don't. care.
I'm sorry, I'm a horrible daughter.
but her voice just creates this tension and frustration inside me, I can feel it building and lingering.
I just want to yell.
Instead I make a sarcastic comment, pushing her away, closing up.
I'm not my sister, I won't talk endlessly about nothing for hours with you, I just don't care enough.
I'm sorry I'm a horrible daughter.